I am M. Carmen Díez. The youngest of seven children in a simple burgalesa family and deep faith. The year I made my first communion, my mother died. This painful event united us even more in prayer and affection. My paternal grandmother was a big support at this time. She also mother of seven children, two of them religosos, was a woman of faith. Seeing children happy religious, -of which he was proudly prayed and asked Jesus chose some of his grandchildren to follow. Now four of his granddaughters we are missionary sisters.
My religious vocation was born and grew to the rhythm of ordinary life events with which Divine Providence is marking to each his way.
At the end of elementary school, it was necessary to choose a school and Providence prepared it. Precisely my cousin Ana María Carrero, recently professed as a conceptionist, had been assigned to the Burgos school. I went there. This was my first meeting with the Conceptionists, and it was long because I was an intern for seven years. Back then there was no internet, no mobile, no WhatsApp, but there was time to read, think, play pranks – and lots of them. There was also time to make visits to the chapel and talk with Jesus and Mary. I felt comfortable there and felt that my friendship with Them was growing. Perhaps because I was missing my mother, I needed more of the presence, company and affection of the Virgin-Mother. This and seeing the nuns happy and dedicated to their mission of teaching, with demanding and pedagogical quality, were attractive to me. Has it ever crossed my mind...and if you were like them ... But I quickly dismissed as a bad thought, because my dream was to be free, to travel, see the world ... I think being a nun or ...
But God had other plans and he was preparing the way my true calling.
The nuns organized a round of ejercios for alumnae. I signed. Those exercises were decisive. The priest who led them, and forces us insistently repeated: " each of us, you, me, everyone, Jesus entrusts a batch of souls to cooperate with Him and attain salvation ..."This was me and I recorded very strongly touched the depths of the soul. In the silence of prayer, I arose many questions: Many will be my lot, how will I have to respond to this desire of Jesus? What will be my way of cooperation? ...
I thought I heard your answer pressing ... “Come with me and see "…
I was urged to give an affirmative answer.
From the bedroom window of the house of exercises, he looked majestic and largest cathedral of Burgos. Thinking that would be enough space for people my lot, roe "Jesus, I need and I ask you to give me a heart as big as this cathedral ... ".
Although he feared negative thinking and that would make me against my family, I was overjoyed to be invited to follow Jesus and cooperate with Him, like Mary, in work of salvation.
With this heart I returned to daily life. I redoubled my prayer to Mary. I went to school I consulted the nun who had accompanied me. He gave me peace and offered his prayer and community.
Santa Carmen says “The grace of God has not to miss ". So it was.
Overcome all difficulties shortly before turning the 22 entered the novitiate.
The then General Mother, Regina M Arias, occasionally came to the novitiate of Marcilla to see what they did and how they breathed the novices. Dining commented events and news of the Congregation. Once we explained that in Gifu, Japan had opened a school and asked:Who he is willing to go to school in Gifu?
Nobody raised his hand, but "the village"He raised his voice and every one answered:" Sister Carmen Díez ". (Possibly because my cousin Ana Maria was already destined there). M. Regina took note and finish my time juniorate and in the last year of his destined me just as superior to Gifu.
Providentially I found in Isaiah text that filled me with joy and hope.
... "Enlarge the place of thy tent, displays the canvas, not economize, lengthen thy cords, fixed either your stakes because desbordarás right and left ..." (Is. 54.2 to 3).
Thrilled with the thrust of this word for the first time I took a plane and flew my first mission.
Fraternal and warm welcome of the sisters helped me to adapt to the new reality: from handle chopsticks, Japanese spell, write kanji, to know the traditions, culture, history ... this “Amazing Japan " I would say the great Jesuit missionary Fr. Arrupe.
Since everything was new every morning with joy, he premiered surprises, encounters and some difficulties too, that made me grow in enthusiasm, effort and how not ?! in humility.
I spent 15 happy years in school life, enjoyed meeting the students and she taught me a lot. I experienced, to overflowing, enriching strength of the Mission.
But God, in His providence, I had prepared another rewarding missionary adventure: Go to South Korea to establish and plant for the first time Santa Carmen Sallés charisma that gave us the concepcionistas. Sisters of the few persons we were in Japan, we were three to Seoul in 1984. here it was from scratch. But Providence guided us and helped at all times. The charisma was planted and has been growing and bearing fruit. Today we can sing the Magnificat with Mary and thank God for the many vocations that concepcionistas has given us and are educating children and youth in the apostolic works of the four Korean communities.
With a heart full of joy and happiness I shared with you my vocation and my long, joyous missionary life.
If some of you feel the call of Jesus, do not be afraid to say a big YES!
Now all you desire to be and would want to do in the future. He may come true a hundredfold. I tell you from experience and full of joy.
I wished traveling, meeting new countries, cultures ... I have received not a hundredfold, but the thousandfold.
CHEER UP!! He did not outdone in generosity. ALWAYS AHEAD. ALL FOR JESUS AS MARY !!